How to Cook Bacon: Oven, Air Fryer, Microwave

How to Cook Bacon: Oven, Air Fryer, Microwave

I cooked a lot of salary over the holidays. Lol. So I thought I would share what I’ve found to be the weightier way to melt bacon.

Well, unquestionably I’m going to share three methods and what I like (and don’t like) well-nigh each. If you are wanting to make crispy bacon, this is all you need to know!

I’m going to share how to torch salary in the oven, how to air fry bacon, and the weightier way to melt salary in the microwave. This is a series I’ve been working on, and if you want to read others, here they are:

Baked Potatoes: Oven, Air Fryer, Microwave and S’mores in the Oven, Air Fryer, or Microwave.

Personally, my favorite method for the texture and ease is cooking salary in the air fryer. But, this method is weightier if you are making salary for a small group (like 2-3 people).

So, if I am wanting to make salary for a larger gathering, like a holiday brunch (which I just hosted), then sultry salary in the oven is the way to go.

How to torch crispy salary in the oven:

One option is to lay salary strips out on parchment paper on a sultry sheet. If you do this, then torch at 400°F for 15-16 minutes.

The other option is to imbricate the sultry sheet with aluminum foil and add a metal cooling rack. Then, lay the salary strips on top of this. If you do this, then torch at 400°F for 17-18 minutes.

Both methods will produce crispy bacon, but the cooling rack method allows increasingly of the salary fat to lard off while baking. Both methods are pretty easy to wipe up, too—either way, you have parchment paper or aluminum foil transmissible most of the drippings.

How to air fry bacon:

Lay the salary strips in the air fryer basket(s) in one layer. You don’t want to the salary to overlap, but it can touch a little, as it will get a bit smaller as it cooks. Air fry at 400°F for 7 minutes.

Air fryer salary is so crispy, and the grate in the air fryer allows some of the salary fat to lard off as it cooks. This method is moreover a littler faster than sultry salary in the oven.

The only downside to this method is unless you have a giant air fryer, you can’t melt increasingly than a few servings at once. I have the Ninja two basket air fryer and I can only make 6-7 strips of salary at a time.

How to microwave bacon:

The weightier way to microwave salary is to use a silicone salary maker. You simply fill each incision with a strip of salary and tropical it up. Place it on a plate with a paper towel and microwave on upper for 4-5 minutes. Allow the salary to tomfool in the microwave for 1 minute after.

This method is the quickest and moreover the easiest to wipe up without (the silicone salary maker can go in the dishwasher).

While the salary will be crispy, it will moreover be increasingly dry than the other methods. It’s still super tasty, but it reminds me increasingly of salary bits.

If you try any of these cooking methods for making crispy bacon, let us know in the comments how it went!


How to Melt Bacon

the weightier ways to melt salary in the oven, air fryer, or microwave
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Keyword air fryer, bacon
Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 14 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • bacon


Oven Method

  • One option is to lay salary strips out on parchment paper on a sultry sheet.
  • Bake at 400°F for 15-16 minutes.
  • The other option is to imbricate the sultry sheet with aluminum foil and add a metal cooling rack. Then, lay the salary strips on top of this.
  • Bake at 400°F for 17-18 minutes.

Air Fryer Method

  • Lay salary strips in the air fryer basket(s) in one layer. You don’t want to the salary to overlap, but it can touch a little as it will get a bit smaller as it cooks.
  • Air fry at 400°F for 7 minutes.

Microwave Method

  • The weightier way to microwave salary is to use a silicone salary maker. You simply fill each incision with a strip of salary and tropical it up.
  • Place on a plate with a paper towel and microwave on upper for 4-5 minutes.
  • Allow the salary to tomfool in the microwave for 1 minute after.


  • For the oven method, torch time can vary if you torch multiple sultry sheets of salary at a time. If in doubt, simply trammels the salary without 13-14 minutes and retread remaining torch time from there.